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Born in 1943 in Yan’an, China, is a renowned Chinese painter, writer, and independent contributor. 

Zhang Langlang graduated from the Department of Art History and Art Theory at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He has previously served as a lecturer in the Department of Art History at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, an editor for the academy’s journal, a writer-in-residence at Cornell University in the United States, researcher at Princeton China Institute, and previously taught Chinese language and Chinese culture at the Foreign Service Institute of the U.S. Department of State.

Zhang Langlang


《枝条载荣 —— 张仃、张郎郎、耿乐 三代联展》, Guardian Art Center, Beijing, China, August 1-10, 2023
《美就是生命力》, Beijing, China, 2022
《诗歌与绘画的合聚》, Beijing, China, 2020
《⾳乐与绘画的合聚》, Beijing, China, 2019
《⼀个⽂⼈的从⼼童画》, Exhibition Hall of Tsinghua University Art Museum, Beijing, China, 2017
《热情.红与⿊》, 北京798盛世天空美术馆, Beijing, China, 2011
Solo exhibition, Santa Cruz, California, US, 1992
Solo exhibition, The University of Maine, US, 1987


A Selection of Paintings by Zhang Langlang, People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, China, 2019
Colors and words by Langlang, The Eastern Publishing Co., Ltd., 2018
《宁静的地平线》, Zhonghua Book Company, China, 2013
《⼤雅宝旧事》, 新⺠⽂汇出版社出版, China, 2004
《从故乡到天涯》, Storm&Stress Publishing, Taiwan, 1992


Zhang Langlang’s works have been collected by numerous museum, corporations, and private collectors, including AIA Hong Kong, China 360 Corporation, China University of Geosciences, Huadi Group, Chinese Football Association, Phoenix Satellite Television, and others.